Tesco's 14th store in the Cambridge area is in Mill Road, Cambridge, one of Cambridge’s most cosmopolitan areas. The No Mill Road Tesco Campaign was set up to oppose these plans, and kept Mill Road Tesco-free for almost two years. Over 5,000 people signed our on-street petition and 1,000 objected to its planning applications. Tesco lost 3 planning applications, an alcohol license application and a public enquiry, leaving it with one of its smallest stores in the UK that it will have extreme difficulty in delivering to. The opening of the store brings the campaign into a second phase: ever-more active support for local traders, and making sure that any breach of planning condition or public safety results in Council action.
this information was taken from
http://www.nomillroadtesco.org/. a website against the mill road tesco.
tom woodcock came in to our school to and told us about how he protested to stop tescos coming to mill road and ruining local stores. even though they were unsuccessful in their campaign they still managed to stop them from being able to sell alcohol and stopped them having huge lorry delivery's .
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